- Carpenter Bee -

-Carpenter Bee-

Carpenter bees are a type of wood dwelling insect that creates a nest by drilling a network of holes/tunnels into a wooden structure thereby creating a cavity to lay their eggs and continue the life cycle of the bees. The jet black carpenter bees are female while on the other hand the golden brown ones are male. Carpenter bees if left to their natural habits will eventually compromise the wooden structure beyond repair so it is important to have the issue addressed promptly. This is done by treating the cavities with a diatomaceous earth essential oil blend and then sealing the holes to prevent entry. We also hang sticky traps in the area to capture any carpenter bees that are remaining outside the nest. This removal does not save the bees but it is a pesticide free way to get rid of the issue. We then can either spray the area with a pesticide free essential oil spray that will deter nesting temporarily or Ideally the wood should be painted after the removal to discourage future infestation.

  • Fee: The base price for this work is a two hour minimum charged at $250 then $125 for every additional hour plus materials (normally under $50), plus drive time. On average standard infestations can usually be treated within the two hour minimum.

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Upon inspection of property, estimates may change due to unforeseen difficulties. No work will take place before a price is agreed upon. Minimum fee charged for a home visit is $50 plus drive time to cover booking time and expenses. Prices are based on a $225hr structural bee/wasps removal/work, $175hr non structural bee/wasps removal/work, $125hr contracting work and $60 an hour drive time from Martinez, CA for billing 

Thank you for supporting my local beekeeping business!   Your support allows me to serve the community and the earth through pollination of our local plants, fruit trees,  flowers and incorporate healthy environmental practices. 

 Thank you for helping me  follow my beekeeping passion!
